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Package playn.core

Added Classes
Graphics.Orientation Enumerates simplified device orientations.
Graphics.OrientationDetail Enumerates detailed device orientations.

Changed Classes
Canvas A 2D drawing canvas.
Exec Handles execution of units of code, both on background threads (.invokeAsync) and on the main PlayN game thread (.invokeLater).
Exec.Default A default exec implementation which processes .invokeLater via the frame tick.
GL20 Interface and values for OpenGL ES 2.0, based on the official JOGL GL2ES2 interface.
Graphics Provides access to graphics information and services.
Image Bitmapped image data.
Input Provides information about user input: mouse, touch, and keyboard.
Keyboard Defines and dispatches keyboard events.
Mouse Defines and dispatches mouse events.
Net.Response Communicates an HTTP response to the caller.
Scale Encapsulates a scale factor, provides useful utility methods.