Uses of Class

  • Uses of Surface in playn.core

    Subclasses of Surface in playn.core
    Modifier and Type
    A Surface which renders to a Texture instead of to the default frame buffer.
    Methods in playn.core that return Surface
    Modifier and Type
    Starts a series of drawing commands to this surface.
    Clears the entire surface to transparent blackness.
    Surface.clear(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha)
    Clears the entire surface to the specified color.
    Surface.concatenate(AffineTransform xf, float originX, float originY)
    Concatenates xf onto this surface's transform, accounting for the origin.
    Surface.draw(Tile tile, float x, float y)
    Draws a tile at the specified location: x, y.
    Surface.draw(Tile tile, float x, float y, float w, float h)
    Draws a tile at the specified location (x, y) and size (w x h).
    Surface.draw(Tile tile, float dx, float dy, float dw, float dh, float sx, float sy, float sw, float sh)
    Draws a scaled subset of an image (defined by (sx, sy) and (w x h)) at the specified location (dx, dy) and size (dw x dh).
    Surface.draw(Tile tile, int tint, float x, float y, float w, float h)
    Draws a tile at the specified location (x, y) and size (w x h), with tint tint.
    Surface.draw(Tile tile, int tint, float dx, float dy, float dw, float dh, float sx, float sy, float sw, float sh)
    Draws a scaled subset of an image (defined by (sx, sy) and (w x h)) at the specified location (dx, dy) and size (dw x dh), with tint tint.
    Surface.drawCentered(Tile tile, float x, float y)
    Draws a texture tile, centered at the specified location.
    Surface.drawLine(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float width)
    Fills a line between the specified coordinates, of the specified display unit width.
    Surface.drawLine(XY a, XY b, float width)
    Fills a line between the specified coordinates, of the specified display unit width.
    Completes a series of drawing commands to this surface.
    Surface.fillRect(float x, float y, float width, float height)
    Fills the specified rectangle.
    Pre-concatenates xf onto this surface's transform.
    Restores the transform previously stored by saveTx().
    Surface.rotate(float angle)
    Rotates the current transformation matrix by the specified angle in radians.
    Saves the current transform.
    Surface.scale(float sx, float sy)
    Scales the current transformation matrix by the specified amount on each axis.
    Surface.setAlpha(float alpha)
    Set the alpha component of this surface's current tint.
    Surface.setFillColor(int color)
    Sets the color to be used for fill operations.
    Surface.setFillPattern(Texture texture)
    Sets the texture to be used for fill operations.
    Surface.setTint(int tint)
    Sets the tint to be applied to draw operations, as ARGB.
    Surface.transform(float m00, float m01, float m10, float m11, float tx, float ty)
    Multiplies the current transformation matrix by the given matrix.
    Surface.translate(float x, float y)
    Translates the current transformation matrix by the given amount.