Uses of Class

  • Uses of Layer in playn.scene

    Subclasses of Layer in playn.scene
    Modifier and Type
    Simplifies the process of displaying a Canvas which is updated after its initial creation.
    A layer whose rendering is (usually) clipped to a rectangle.
    GroupLayer creates a Layer hierarchy by maintaining an ordered group of child Layers.
    A layer that displays a texture or region of a texture (tile).
    Serves as the root of the scene graph.
    Fields in playn.scene declared as Layer
    Modifier and Type
    final Layer
    The layer that was hit at the start of this interaction.
    Methods in playn.scene that return Layer
    Modifier and Type
    Configures a hit tester for this layer which hits this layer any time a hit does not hit a child of this layer.
    GroupLayer.childAt(int index)
    Returns the layer at the specified index.
    static Layer
    LayerUtil.getHitLayer(Layer root, Point p)
    Returns the layer hit by (screen) position p (or null) in the scene graph rooted at root, using hitTest(pythagoras.f.Point).
    Layer.hitTest(Point p)
    Tests whether the supplied (layer relative) point "hits" this layer or any of its children.
    Layer.HitTester.hitTest(Layer layer, Point p)
    Returns layer, or a child of layer if the supplied coordinate (which is in layer's coordinate system) hits layer, or one of its children.
    GroupLayer.hitTestDefault(Point point)
    Like hitTest(pythagoras.f.Point) except that it ignores a configured Layer.HitTester.
    static Layer
    LayerUtil.layerUnderPoint(Layer root, float x, float y)
    Gets the layer underneath the given screen coordinates, ignoring hit testers.
    Layer.setAlpha(float alpha)
    Sets the alpha component of this layer's current tint.
    Layer.setBatch(QuadBatch batch)
    Configures a custom batch (i.e.
    Layer.setDepth(float depth)
    Sets the depth of this layer.
    Configures a custom hit tester for this layer.
    Layer.setInteractive(boolean interactive)
    Configures this layer as reactive to clicks and touches, or not.
    Layer.setName(String name)
    Sets the name of this layer.
    Layer.setOrigin(float x, float y)
    Sets the origin of the layer to a fixed position.
    Layer.setOrigin(Layer.Origin origin)
    Configures the origin of this layer based on a logical location which is recomputed whenever the layer changes size.
    Layer.setRotation(float angle)
    Sets the current rotation of this layer, in radians.
    Layer.setScale(float scale)
    Sets the current x and y scale of this layer to scale..
    Layer.setScale(float sx, float sy)
    Sets the current x and y scale of this layer.
    Layer.setScaleX(float sx)
    Sets the current x scale of this layer.
    Layer.setScaleY(float sy)
    Sets the current y scale of this layer.
    Layer.setTint(int tint)
    Sets the tint for this layer, as ARGB.
    Layer.setTranslation(float x, float y)
    Sets the x and y translation of this layer.
    Layer.setTranslation(XY trans)
    A variant of setTranslation(float,float) that takes an XY.
    Layer.setTx(float x)
    Sets the x translation of this layer.
    Layer.setTy(float y)
    Sets the y translation of this layer.
    Layer.setVisible(boolean visible)
    Configures this layer's visibility: if true, it will be rendered as normal, if false it and its children will not be rendered.
    Methods in playn.scene that return types with arguments of type Layer
    Modifier and Type
    Methods in playn.scene with parameters of type Layer
    Modifier and Type
    GroupLayer.add(Layer child)
    Adds a layer to the bottom of the group.
    GroupLayer.add(Layer child0, Layer child1, Layer... childN)
    Adds all supplied children to this layer, in order.
    GroupLayer.addAt(Layer child, float tx, float ty)
    Adds the supplied layer to this group layer, adjusting its translation (relative to this group layer) to the supplied values.
    GroupLayer.addCenterAt(Layer child, float tx, float ty)
    Adds child to this group layer, positioning it such that its center is at (tx, tx).
    GroupLayer.addFloorAt(Layer child, float tx, float ty)
    Adds child to this group layer, adjusting its translation (relative to this group layer) to floor(tx), floor(ty).
    static void
    LayerUtil.bind(Layer layer, Signal<Clock> paint, Slot<Clock> onPaint)
    Automatically connects onPaint to paint when layer is added to a scene graph, and disconnects it when layer is removed.
    static void
    LayerUtil.bind(Layer layer, Signal<Clock> update, Slot<Clock> onUpdate, Signal<Clock> paint, Slot<Clock> onPaint)
    Automatically connects onUpdate to update, and onPaint to paint when layer is added to a scene graph, and disconnects them when layer is removed.
    static Layer
    LayerUtil.getHitLayer(Layer root, Point p)
    Returns the layer hit by (screen) position p (or null) in the scene graph rooted at root, using hitTest(pythagoras.f.Point).
    static int
    LayerUtil.graphDepth(Layer layer)
    Returns the depth of the given layer in its local scene graph.
    Layer.HitTester.hitTest(Layer layer, Point p)
    Returns layer, or a child of layer if the supplied coordinate (which is in layer's coordinate system) hits layer, or one of its children.
    static boolean
    LayerUtil.hitTest(Layer layer, float x, float y)
    Returns true if a coordinate on the screen touches a Layer.
    static boolean
    LayerUtil.hitTest(Layer layer, XY pos)
    Returns true if an XY touches a Layer.
    static int
    LayerUtil.indexInParent(Layer layer)
    Returns the index of the given layer within its parent, or -1 if the parent is null.
    static Point
    LayerUtil.layerToParent(Layer layer, Layer parent, float x, float y)
    Converts the supplied point from coordinates relative to the specified child layer to coordinates relative to the specified parent layer.
    static Point
    LayerUtil.layerToParent(Layer layer, Layer parent, XY point, Point into)
    Converts the supplied point from coordinates relative to the specified child layer to coordinates relative to the specified parent layer.
    static Point
    LayerUtil.layerToScreen(Layer layer, float x, float y)
    Converts the supplied point from coordinates relative to the specified layer to screen coordinates.
    static Point
    LayerUtil.layerToScreen(Layer layer, XY point, Point into)
    Converts the supplied point from coordinates relative to the specified layer to screen coordinates.
    static Layer
    LayerUtil.layerUnderPoint(Layer root, float x, float y)
    Gets the layer underneath the given screen coordinates, ignoring hit testers.
    static Point
    LayerUtil.parentToLayer(Layer parent, Layer layer, XY point, Point into)
    Converts the supplied point from coordinates relative to the specified parent to coordinates relative to the specified child layer.
    static Point
    LayerUtil.parentToLayer(Layer layer, XY point, Point into)
    Converts the supplied point from coordinates relative to its parent to coordinates relative to the specified layer.
    static void
    LayerUtil.print(Log log, Layer layer)
    Prints the layer heirarchy starting at layer, using Log.debug(java.lang.String).
    GroupLayer.remove(Layer child)
    Removes a layer from the group.
    GroupLayer.remove(Layer child0, Layer child1, Layer... childN)
    Removes all supplied children from this layer, in order.
    static Point
    LayerUtil.screenToLayer(Layer layer, float x, float y)
    Converts the supplied point from screen coordinates to coordinates relative to the specified layer.
    static Point
    LayerUtil.screenToLayer(Layer layer, XY point, Point into)
    Converts the supplied point from screen coordinates to coordinates relative to the specified layer.
    Layer.Visitor.visit(Layer layer, int depth)
    Method parameters in playn.scene with type arguments of type Layer
    Modifier and Type
    Layer.onAdded(SignalView.Listener<? super Layer> action)
    Connects action to state such that it is triggered when this layer is added to a rooted scene graph.
    Layer.onDisposed(SignalView.Listener<? super Layer> action)
    Connects action to state such that it is triggered when this layer is disposed.
    Layer.onRemoved(SignalView.Listener<? super Layer> action)
    Connects action to state such that it is triggered when this layer is removed from a rooted scene graph.
    Constructors in playn.scene with parameters of type Layer
    Dispatcher(Layer root, boolean bubble)
    Dispatcher(Layer root, boolean bubble)
    Dispatcher(Layer root, boolean bubble)
    Interaction(Layer hitLayer, boolean bubble)
    Pointer(Platform plat, Layer root, boolean bubble)
    Creates a pointer event system which dispatches both global pointer events and per-layer pointer events.