All Classes and Interfaces

Fetches and returns assets.
Provides audio services, of which there are presently none.
A 2D drawing canvas.
Values that may be used with Canvas.setCompositeOperation(Composite).
Facilitates drawing images and image regions to a canvas.
Values that may be used with Canvas.setLineCap(LineCap).
Values that may be used with Canvas.setLineJoin(LineJoin).
Encapsulates an absolute and delta time.
Utility methods for working with packed-integer colors.
Defines an event abstraction used in various places in PlayN.
The base for all input events.
The base for all input events with a screen position.
Handles execution of units of code, both on background threads (Exec.invokeAsync(java.lang.Runnable)) and on the main PlayN game thread (Exec.invokeLater(java.lang.Runnable)).
A default exec implementation which processes Exec.Default.invokeLater(java.lang.Runnable) via the frame tick.
Contains metadata for a font.
The styles that may be requested for a given font.
Defines a simple game API.
Interface and values for OpenGL ES 2.0, based on the official JOGL GL2ES2 interface.
A helper class for bridging between Java arrays and buffers when implementing GL20.
A batch manages the delivery of groups of drawing calls to the GPU.
Encapsulates a GL vertex and fragment shader program pair.
A gradient fill pattern created by Canvas.createGradient(playn.core.Gradient.Config).
Used to create gradients.
Creates a linear gradient fill pattern.
Creates a radial gradient fill pattern.
Provides access to graphics information and services.
Enumerates simplified device orientations.
Enumerates detailed device orientations.
Bitmapped image data.
A region of an image which can be rendered to Canvases and turned into a texture (which is a Tile of the original image's texture).
An implementation detail.
Used to provide bitmap data to the abstract image once it's ready.
Provides information about user input: mouse, touch, and keyboard.
PlayN JSON parsing and serialization interface.
Represents a parsed JSON array as a simple int->value map.
Represents a parsed JSON object as a simple string->value map.
A JSON array that assumes all values are of a uniform JSON type.
Contains utility methods for creating typed arrays to supply as the default when fetching optional typed arrays from your JSON model.
A JsonSink that writes JSON to a string.
Enumerates all possible keys that may be encountered on all platforms.
Defines and dispatches keyboard events.
The base class for all keyboard events.
An event dispatched for key press/release.
A slot which only dispatches on Keyboard.KeyEvents.
Enumerates the different available mobile keyboard types.
An event dispatched when a printable character is typed.
A slot which only dispatches on Keyboard.TypedEvents.
Simple PlayN logging interface.
Allows for collection of log messages (in addition to standard logging).
Tags a log message with a level.
Defines and dispatches mouse events.
The event dispatched for mouse input.
Enumerates the supported mouse buttons.
A slot which only dispatches on Mouse.ButtonEvents.
The base class for all mouse events.
An event dispatched when the mouse is moved.
A slot which only dispatches on Mouse.MotionEvents.
An event dispatched when the mouse wheel is scrolled.
A slot which only dispatches on Mouse.WheelEvents.
PlayN network interface.
Contains data for an HTTP header.
Communicates an HTTP response to the caller.
Used to deliver binary response data.
Encapsulates a web socket.
Notifies game of web socket events.
A path object created by Canvas.createPath().
A bitmap fill pattern created by Image.createPattern(boolean, boolean).
Provides access to all PlayN cross-platform services.
Defines the lifecycle events.
Enumerates the supported platform types.
Abstracts over Mouse and Touch input, providing a least-common-denominator API which tracks a single "pointer" with simple interactions.
Contains information on a pointer event.
Enumerates the different kinds of pointer event.
A batch which can render textured quads.
Encapsulates an OpenGL render target (i.e.
Encapsulates a scale factor, provides useful utility methods.
A single sound asset, which can be played, looped, etc.
Represents a sound that failed to load.
An implementation detail.
Stores settings in a key/value map.
Represents a batch of edits to be applied to storage in one transaction.
A stub implementation of Platform that provides implementations of those services that can be usefully implemented for unit tests, and throws UnsupportedOperationException for the rest.
A surface provides a simple drawing API to a GPU accelerated render target.
Encapsulates a block of multi-line text.
Used to align a block of text.
Contains info for laying out and drawing single- or multi-line text to a Canvas.
Contains metrics and metadata for a laid out body of text.
A handle to an OpenGL texture.
Used to configure texture at creation time.
A batch that renders textured primitives.
Provides some standard bits for a shader program that uses a tint and a texture.
A Surface which renders to a Texture instead of to the default frame buffer.
Contains the configuration needed when wrapping text.
Represents a square region of a texture.
Provides a Tile, potentially asynchronously.
Tinting related utility methods.
Defines and dispatches touch events.
Contains information on a touch event.
Enumerates the different kinds of touch event.
A batch which renders indexed triangles.
The source for the stock triangle batch shader program.
A batch which renders quads by stuffing them into a big(ish) GLSL uniform variable.
The source for the stock quad batch shader program.